SLIGOS Servicios Informáticos, S.L. was an Information Systems Services Company (in 1997 get integrated with Axime constituting Atos in 2000) where I carried out a role of Project Management in C/S technology to develop this area in the company. My main functions were:
- Economic and technical follow up for the projects.
- Trainer for programming courses in Windows, VB, SQL and C/S.
- Responsible for adoption and acquisition of new tools, hard and soft in the C/S department.
- Responsible for standards definition in analysis and programming of C/S applications and systems.
- Responsible for making presales presentations and actions into the C/S department.
- Technical Responsible for the partnership with Microsoft into the Solution Provider Agreement.
- Database administrator for Server v4.2 v6.0 and Oracle v7.0
- Administrator for Microsoft Networks con Windows NT v3.50 v3.51 y Windows v3.11 y/o Windows 95.
I managed implementation of several projects like expedient and form management, Travel and expenses management, Enterprise Management, Sales Management, Telephony Banking and Telemarketing, etc.